I acknowledge that we live and work on the traditional land of the first people of Seattle, the Duwamish People, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Duwamish Tribe. We hope to contribute to a future on this land consistent with the values of their culture. 

I support the Black Lives Matter Movement and Indigenous Peoples' Movements.

Thinking is Moving 

When most of us think of “thinking,” examples of “abstract” thinking come to mind:  thinking about ideas, or how to debug that gnarly piece of code, or planning our next vacation.

All of us, however, have bodies.  (We wouldn’t be able to think without them).  And we are directing ourselves in movement, whether we are aware of it or not, every second of every day. This directing is also thinking.

Thus, thinking is not a “kind of” moving; thinking is moving.

Most of our responses, however, are habitual: we don’t consciously think about how to move before we move, how to act before we act, or how to “think” before we respond.  Having habitual ways of moving saves time for us, but may not always be the best response.

What if you could change that?  What if you could learn to observe how you are moving, how you are thinking, and choose to explore new and different ways of responding?  What if you could learn how to think more clearly in simple acts of life—walking, sitting, standing—and leverage that skill into the complex interactions you have every day?  What if you could use this new skill to change habits that you want to change, but haven’t been able to?

The Art of Self Direction explores the vital connection between thinking and moving—between attending to how we move and attending to how we live.  It is a practical means of learning how to live with more ease, grace and intentionality.    

Classes, workshops and lessons in the Alexander Technique

Classes are a way to learn more quickly by observing each other, and provide support for your sustained learning.  As Yogi Berra once said "You can learn a lot by watching."

Workshops are typically single, longer sessions, often focussed on a topic or theme.

Lessons can be private or semi-private.  Private lessons give you the opportunity to explore at length any activity you choose or pay special attention to any questions you may have.
Semi-private lessons are simply a private lesson with more than one person.

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